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Building Energy Efficiency Ordinance (Cap. 610)

Building Energy Efficiency Ordinance (CAP 610)
Building Energy Efficiency OrdinanceThe Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance (Cap. 610) had been enacted in November 2010 and will come into full operation on 21 September 2012. The Code of Practice titled “Code of Practice for Energy Efficiency of Building Services Installation”, hereinafter referred as the “Building Energy Code” or “BEC” is issued in The Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance and set out the technical guideline and details in respect of the minimum energy efficiency Requirement governing the building services installations of Lighting Systems, Air-Conditioning System, Electrical Systems and Lift & Escalator Systems. Building Services installations designed, installed and maintained to the design standard in accordance with the BEC are deemed to have satisfied the relevant requirements of the Ordinance in the technical aspects.

Ordinance must be complied by
1). Commercial building.
2). A portion of a composite building that is not for residential or industrial use.

3). Hotel and guesthouse.

4). Common area of a residential building.

5). Common area of a portion of a composite building that is for residential or industrial use.

6). Common area of an industrial building.

7). Building that is occupied principally for an education purpose.

8). Building that is occupied principally as a community building including a community hall and social services centre and composite building occupied as 2 or more such places.
9). Building that is occupied principally as a municipal services building including a market, cooked food centre, library, cultural centre and indoor games hall and composite building occupied as 2 or more such places.
10). Building that is occupied principally for medical and health care services including a hospital, clinic and rehabilitation centre.
11). Building that is owned by the Government and used principally for the accommodation of people during the performance of any function of the Government.
12). Passenger terminal building of an airport.
13). Railway station.

Our Value
1). Over 21 years experience in Energy Consultancy Service and Building Service to help customer comply the ordinance
2). Registered Energy Assessor (REA) in BEC

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